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H.H.C. Group is a national health insurance consulting company specializing in cost savings programs for the health insurance industry. Since 1995, we have worked directly for health insurance companies by reducing large hospital and other health care provider claims. Providers are willing to reduce their charges in exchange for the promise of prompt payment when we present them with data that calculates reasonable and customary charges for their services. We can put our experience to work for you, the individual consumer, and we can reduce your medical claim. Your fee for accessing our service is 35% of what we save you. If we are unable to reduce your health claim charge, we will not charge you for our services.

In addition to now offering claim negotiation services directly to the consumer, H.H.C. Group provides fully comprehensive consultative services, including claim negotiation, repricing through outside vendors and with our proprietary network, line item and comprehensive bill reviews, as well as medical director and peer review services. Furthermore, H.H.C. Group is URAC accredited as an Independent Review Organization. URAC is an independent, nonprofit health care accrediting organization dedicated to promoting
health care quality through accreditation, certification and commendation. You can read more about H.H.C. Group’s services by selecting the Other Services link on our home page. We look forward to putting our years of experience to work for you.


H.H.C. Group • 438 North Frederick Ave, #200A, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

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